Making Money Dog Walking

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It’s no secret that the average dog walker in America makes $10 – $20 per walk. With inflation at an all-time high, this amount often isn’t enough to make dog walking a viable career option. However, if you are an animal lover who wants to maximize your earnings, this article will show you how the real money-makers do it. By specializing, walking multiple dogs at once, and offering additional services, you can significantly boost your income and turn dog walking into a highly profitable venture.

Here’s how you can stand out and boost your earnings.

Specialize in High-Demand Niches

Specializing in a particular niche can set you apart from other dog walkers and allow you to charge premium rates.


  • Puppy Care: Offer specialized services for puppies, including training, socialization, and regular check-ins.
  • Senior Dog Care: Provide gentle walks and care for older dogs, which may require a different pace and attention to health issues.
  • Behavioral Training: If you have the skills, incorporate behavioral training into your walks to add extra value.

Walk Multiple Dogs at Once

Efficiency is key to maximizing your earnings. Walking multiple dogs at the same time can significantly increase your hourly income. Now, instead of making $20 an hour, you can make $100 or more! You can even charge a little less per dog to encourage more pet owners to participate and explain the benefits of group walks.


  • Group Walks: Start group walks with dogs that are compatible in terms of size, temperament, and energy level. This allows you to earn more per hour while providing socialization opportunities for the dogs.
  • Safety First: Ensure you have control over the group by using appropriate equipment, such as harnesses and sturdy leashes. Always prioritize the safety and well-being of the dogs.
  • Structured Scheduling: Plan your schedule and routes to minimize travel time and maximize the number of dogs you can walk in a day.

Offer Ancillary Services

Adding complementary services to your dog walking business can increase your income and attract more clients. These services can be offered by you or through a referral network you create.


  • Pet Sitting: Offer pet sitting services for clients who need someone to look after their pets while they are away.
  • Grooming: Provide basic grooming services like brushing, nail trimming, and bathing, or partner with a local groomer for referrals.
  • Training: Incorporate basic training sessions into your walks or refer clients to professional trainers if you’re not qualified.
  • Pet Taxi: Offer transportation services to take pets to vet appointments, grooming sessions, or playdates.

Build a Referral Network

Creating a network of trusted professionals can help you offer a wider range of services and earn referral fees.


  • Partner with Vets: Establish relationships with local veterinarians who can refer clients to you for dog walking and other services.
  • Collaborate with Pet Stores: Work with pet stores to offer discounts or special deals for your clients, and receive referrals in return.
  • Connect with Trainers and Groomers: Build a network of trainers and groomers who can refer clients to you and vice versa, ensuring a steady flow of business for everyone involved.

Leverage Technology

Using technology can streamline your operations and help you reach a broader audience, enhancing your earning potential.


  • Scheduling Apps: Use apps to manage bookings, send reminders, and keep track of client information.
  • GPS Tracking: Provide clients with peace of mind by using GPS tracking to show where their dogs have been walked.
  • Social Media: Promote your services on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Share photos and videos of the dogs you walk to showcase your expertise and love for animals.
  • Online Listings: List your services on platforms like Rover, Wag!, (but beware they will take a cut of your profits up to 30%) and local pet care directories to attract more clients.


To make more than the average dog walker, it’s essential to specialize, maximize efficiency, and offer a range of ancillary services. By focusing on high-demand niches, walking multiple dogs at once, and creating a referral network, you can significantly boost your earnings. Leveraging technology will further enhance your business operations and help you reach a broader audience. With these strategies, you can turn your passion for dogs into a highly profitable venture. As you grow your business and start to scale you can add dog walkers to walk for you.